Jenny Hall

Jenny hall

Jenny Hall is the Creative Director at Sheltered Music Publishing. Sheltered Music is the Nashville Division of All Clear Music, LLC. In its first year, the company has completed deals with music icons Burt Bacharach and Rodney Crowell and has established a creative development partnership with superstar producer, Dann Huff! Sheltered Music is managed by its SVP and veteran publishing executive, Darrell Franklin.

Pitch your song(s) to Jenny

What Jenny is looking for:

“Working with an amazing roster of writers, artists and producers, the bar stays pretty high! What I look for in a song, though, is a great melody that sticks with me long after the song is over, as well as amazing craftsmanship in the lyrics. Basically, being able to take a new or common idea and displaying it in a clever but commercial way that relates to listeners!”

*Jenny will resume taking song pitch requests in 2024.