Leigh Reynolds

Leigh Reynolds

Leigh has had a very diverse career in the music business spanning over 40 years! He has played guitar live or in the studio for artists such as Reba, Garth Brooks, Wynonna, The Judds, Mark Collie, Trent Tomlinson, Kevin Denney and various others. As a songwriter, he has had songs recorded by Garth Brooks (including the hit, “That Ol’ Wind”), Reba, Emmylou Harris and other country and gospel artists. Leigh is always on the lookout for hit songs to play for artists and labels he has personal working relationships with here in town! His honest feedback makes him a valuable and respected resource for both veteran and aspiring songwriters.

Pitch your song(s) to Leigh

What Leigh is looking for:

“I’m passionate about songs and voices. Being true to yourself is always going to be the best way to developing fresh and different sounding lyrics! That is what’s going to make your work stand out. If I come across a song that I strongly believe in, I will gladly champion it.”